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[Welcome to THE VAULT]
4Point Fam Only
[Road to 100 Songs]
Throwback! - "Fine" 🌧
Song named by the 4Point Founders
(Andrew, Anna, Brandon, Brennan, Chris, Ellice, John, Loren, Robert, Steve and Sydney)😎
About the Song 📝
This week's song is a throwback from my college days
I recorded it at the school studio, back when I would carry my recording equipment across the campus after everyone else had gone to bed to record my songs
I wasn't a music student, so I had to wait until everyone who actually had access to the studio had left, and then I was allowed to go in there and use it
I'd record the songs one verse at a time back then... I hadn’t yet killed my perfectionism and I had to make sure each line was "perfect"
So each song would take me 2 or 3 nights to record
(For anyone still struggling with that mindset, commit to volume. Switch the goal from making the songs better to making you better. And then pretty soon your sloppy takes” will be better than your perfect ones ever were because you upped the skill of their creator)
This song's about how it felt to be moving up in life but being sad that I was unable to share it with the girl I had just broken up with
We'd had a very sweet relationship, but we both had our own issues that made it end before it could really get started
She's the same girl I wrote "Sweet" about (a few songs back on the Road to 100 playlist)
I hope you don't relate to this one... but if you do, I hope it resonates
Keep grinding, keep shining,
Road to 100 Songs Playlist 🎸