Cute, Quirky Hip-Hop for Rom-Coms

Yo! I'm 4Point
...and I started as the worst rapper alive.
I was an insecure 17 year old with negative talent and low key social anxiety...
Scared to put my music out there or even look a stranger in the eye.
But I'm proud of this.
Most people stick with what they're good at and let luck guide their life.
But I chose rap.
Through years of late night workouts, early studio sessions and facing my social fears, I created someone I was proud of.
Now I write songs about growth to tell other late bloomers that it's possible.
I've come a long way from my parents' basement...
Touring with a Latin rock band and performing with a Grammy-winner in front of my hometown crowd.
But the mission has always been the same: to show the world that we can change who we are.